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Heavy rain in the Bay....

                                     Came and went fast....still thundering.

In about two weeks we do....

                          these on another dude's wrangler.   OEM running boards.                            I love all the new products the Jeep Wranglers have.

Just sold a set of seat covers....

for a 2011 jeep wrangler 2 dr.    With some pulling and tugging they fit nice.  They have two sets, front and back.   We just did the fronts today.Great product from Jeep.   I was very happy on the fit, so was the ladywho purchased them

Very interesting story. President may have had a great....great...great Grand-Dad who was thefirst slave in VA.   Mom wasn't all one color, if you care about that.Very interesting to see where you come from.  You never know.

More naked yoga!

                                      Enjoy it.

Was able to get the links working!

                                        Have some not so bad ones already for you.

Yes nude yoga!

                                     It has always made me wonder if it is out there...It is.

The real Texas hookers!

                              These girls are the real deal.   Texas hookers looking for a dollar.                               About all I would give them and then I would wear a couple of                              Trash Bags with five condoms.

Abella Anderson

She interviews Alexis Texas and then gets spanked by Texas.  O ya she is Cuban.

Brianna Love

                                 Another girl who loves to work for Hustler Mag...God love her.

Alex Texas

                                       Hot chick from Texas.....Works for Hustler Mag.

Now if she needed help....

                    I'd be the first one in line for Sherlyn Chopra.....You need a Kidney?

It's almost like....

                      Getting all worried about the problems these two have...It's a joke.

Have you been watching?

Some would feel bad that they just didn't want to watch the guys and girls from America win the gold.Sorry I just don't care.   Nice that they win.   But I am not going to be up all night hoping.


                                 Little nice ass showing harms no one.....

Dam the Queen and 63 degrees....

                  The Queen of England didn't want any of the girls to wear bikinis in the games.                  Our girls were going to anyway, then it got cold so the covered up. Dam!

Showing the ass....

                                        It's just plain funny stuff from Sheena...Yes man ass                                        on a video, don't get weird about it.

I need a new drink....

Maybe I will get into human breast milk?                              Just need to buy the cow....

Forgot about the nightmare...

As most know I have been soda free for weeks now.    I had a dream last night that seemed so darn real.   I was at the table with a bucket of ice and several bottles of soda and I was drinking it like there was no days left.   I was pouring it down.   I woke up screaming.   Bad dream.


                           All I see in her eyes....

Hotties in the clubs of the UK!

                                           Hot UK night clubs full of Hotties.

Here's the Russian Hottie...

                                                     To Russia with lust.

Hell we are on a roll today...

                             A sister from the great white north, Canada. A...


                               I like her color choices for her place too.   Nice.

Got some beer?

                  Maybe a German hot dog or two?   Omg she is one rather hot German girl.

Not bad today....

                         Nice and cool, would love to be by her pool.

You don't need to speak the language.

                                         THREE BOOBS!

Get Piper warmed up!

I wonder if we will ever wake up and know the truth?   They live!

Yes three.

A person who thought outside the box.    Good for them.

Hot sticky Sunday night.....

This young lady has the right idea.    Get the parts out into the open air and get them cooled off.   Fraking hot night.   Sticky.   Air it the hell out baby!

Is death so cool?

Are we thinking that death is the way to go in our country?   Heard a young man might have killed himself last night after buying and using Bath salts.    Did he picture it as being cool?   Or was it just where he was always going?   I feel for the family.   Legal death is still being sold.   We need the head shops gone.   Where are we going as a whole in this country?   I have never seen our country so except the drug life style like it has today.   We just don't care anymore?   It doesn't effect us if it's not our kid?    Wate

his shirt is cool...

                                    Miss Portman might even give a second look at it.

The moments when you are not drunk enough....

                                  But your BFFs are, and they are making out....strong!

O yes!

                                      How drunk was I?


                                  Two girls you should meet.   Don't back down.

Why does he always come up?

You can type in anything related to sexy girls, sluts, smoking hot, and many more....                                             And almost every God dam time this dude pops up?

A big test....

              It's Okay if you failed.

Crazy and Wild fake tits night!

Do you ever look at boobs and wonder if they are supplied by nature or a doctor?Me too.....                                                         It's a shame....faked all the way.                                                      Handed out by God.....thank you.              &n

Is it the water in Lafargeville?

                            A helmet Pigeon was spotted in Lafargeville this week.   A bird with                            a helmet?   A odd bird in that town?   Like I said....Water?

Velicity Von.....

                                   Good looking and hard working girl...check her out some time.

The President is still on TV to much.

               This is just a great shoot.   What you see Mr. President that made you make that face?                               

Yes you just have to laugh....

                             You know this dude has some real mean drinking buds.

Just right and well done...

                                 All about the right size and the message is clear.   Good job.

To much to read girl!

                  Tramp stamps are so cool, but this is way to much.   I will get a book                                  IF I WANT TO READ!

20 dollar whore.

I know this dude who works in a local grocery store as a check out clerk.   Good dude.   he worked at Parkview years ago.   He used to work at the adult book store down on the square.   When the place was going to hell and going out.   The owner at that time forgot to pay the bills and was using a generator to power the place.   Any how.....The dude was working there.   He told me how the owner had ladies come in from Syracuse to dance at night.   Strip in other words.   His job was to watch the dudes and tell them not to touch.   He said one
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