Sodium bikiniThe German company has invented a swimsuit, which dissolves in water. So, dear girl,If you need a swimsuit, only to get to the beach, this is for you.
BirkinThis swimsuit has developed Australian firm Ahiida, out of respect for the traditions of Muslims. And the girls in such suits can not be afraid of burns.
The most expensive bikiniIs willing to spend on a bathing suit $ 30 million? This has created a masterpiece Susan Rosen. This bikini is composed exclusively of diamond fabric it has no.
Bekonovoe bikiniGood mix of girl and meat.
Pakmen bikiniA good gift for a girl who remembers this great game. In a bathing suit is all that was in the game. Ghost hiding in a very unexpected place.
Bikini with UV sensorHere is a useful thing. The sensor is built into a swimsuit, battery lasts for two years and he naturally is not afraid of water.
Bikini IlluminatedJust because lights or signals about what these bulbs?
Bikini of lettucesAnd this creation restless girls from PETA. Especially for vegetarians did. I guess that if you get hungry, the food was always there.
Swimsuits - Leaving Summer
Posted by paynohost
Posted on 09.34
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