This piece of dung who shot people at Fort Hood can question the victims in court? He is dumb enough to try to be his own rep in court and that means he has the right to bring any witness onto the stand and question them.... Including the men he shot. Fraking judges! Any other country and this piece of human waste would already be gone. Just wrong. Why is this guy a hero? A hero would have been a person brave enough o go to public meetings and ask for ....well what ever it was he was looking for. I can tell you I don't hate his religion, it's his way in dealing with other's hate that tweaks me. Sure right now a good share of Americans hate everything about his religion, because of stupid miss- information. The way to deal with stupid is not more stupid..... Just a helpful hint for today.
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» I want to question the victims?
I want to question the victims?
Posted by paynohost
Posted on 02.46
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This piece of dung who shot people at Fort Hood can question the victims in court? He is dumb enough to try to be his own rep in court and that means he has the right to bring any witness onto the stand and question them.... Including the men he shot. Fraking judges! Any other country and this piece of human waste would already be gone. Just wrong. Why is this guy a hero? A hero would have been a person brave enough o go to public meetings and ask for ....well what ever it was he was looking for. I can tell you I don't hate his religion, it's his way in dealing with other's hate that tweaks me. Sure right now a good share of Americans hate everything about his religion, because of stupid miss- information. The way to deal with stupid is not more stupid..... Just a helpful hint for today.
This piece of dung who shot people at Fort Hood can question the victims in court? He is dumb enough to try to be his own rep in court and that means he has the right to bring any witness onto the stand and question them.... Including the men he shot. Fraking judges! Any other country and this piece of human waste would already be gone. Just wrong. Why is this guy a hero? A hero would have been a person brave enough o go to public meetings and ask for ....well what ever it was he was looking for. I can tell you I don't hate his religion, it's his way in dealing with other's hate that tweaks me. Sure right now a good share of Americans hate everything about his religion, because of stupid miss- information. The way to deal with stupid is not more stupid..... Just a helpful hint for today.
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